Allows people to appear on a map in different roles.

Available sites

(site) users
transport (couriers / truckers)
vehicledriver (driving the customers vehicle)
demo (for demonstration)
   = buyers / customers

   = sellers

Video: How to use.

(How to create an account, play around, and then delete it.)

(Play video)


• These sites makes it possible for users (sellers/buyers) to show that they are in the area (the position can be rounded up to 50 km for integrity reasons).

• Users will build up a "reputation" in the form of statistics and complaints:

  • Statistics:
    • Account age
    • Total time visible
    • Total time visible in the last 30 days
  • Complaints: Unhappy users can write a complaint.
    • which the complainee can an answer.
    • If a settlement or consensus is reached, then the users can delete their entry or change it.
    • One can list all complaints from a certain complainer as well as all the complaints on a complainee (to discourage misuse).
• All users must login via Facebook to discourage misuse. (See FAQ for more reasons).

• The user can at any point delete his/her account, and start on a fresh turn (both positive and negative reputation is deleted) (Excepted are those who deliberately tries to misuse and sabotage the sites).

• The sites works on both computers and smartphones. (See also: Tested browsers)

• (Notable flaw) Your location is NOT updated automatically in the background, (only when you press the "On"-button). However one can use backgroundTracker4WebApps, a separate native (Android) app, that can run in the background, and send the location.


Getting started / how to log in

Terms of Service




Write a comment below or send an email to:

Isn't the site good enough? Help the site to become better

Log in just to test it (you can delete your account afterwards if you want to).

Find bugs, inconsistencies, annoyances, spelling errors, things that seem weird, do you have suggestions for better design etc.

Write a comment below.

Spread the word, tell others about the site, and ask what they think.

Any economic support is of course very appreciated. The donated amount will appear in tables and infoboxes about the user.

See also

Comparison of taxi apps

More projects: